August Community Newsletter

August Community Newsletter

August brings a mixed bag of emotions and activities, marked by exciting progress, ongoing programming, and heartfelt farewells.

In this NELA neighborhood issue:

  • We’re in escrow!

  • Thank you, Helen Campbell

  • NELA lawn signs

  • Calendar of events

Exciting Progress on LA Más' First Community Housing Project: "Arvia”

We are thrilled to share significant progress on LA Más' first potential community housing project—"Arvia"—located on Arvia Street in Cypress Park. This project marks a monumental step towards preserving affordable housing and maintaining the cultural fabric of our community.

A historic opportunity

Last month, we entered escrow to pursue the acquisition of a 5-unit complex that has been a cornerstone of the Cypress Park community for over 60 years. The property, which was identified during a Clockshop community art walk, has long been more than just a place to live; it has served as a cultural hub and gathering spot for local residents.

Community roots and support

The "Arvia" property has been home to residents who have lived there for between 5 to 20 years, deeply rooted in the community. During the art walk, one of our board members discussed our housing initiatives, which sparked interest among residents and local artists alike. One such artist, who lives at Arvia, highlighted the property's significance during the event. The residents have expressed a strong desire to remain in their homes, and we're committed to making that happen.

A collaborative effort

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Self-Help Ventures Fund, a non-profit bank and developer, that has committed to financing the purchase and partnering with LA Más to ensure the long-term affordability and stability of the Arvia property. This collaboration is a critical component of our vision to keep the current residents in place and maintain affordable rents.

We are also collaborating with Office of: Office, a minority and women-led architecture, urban planning, and policy non-profit organization, to explore the possibility of adding a new ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) on the property. Their expertise in resident-directed development and community resources is invaluable as we evaluate this option.

Additionally, Sammy Lyon, a real estate broker and project manager known for their socially conscious approach to residential and commercial projects in Los Angeles, has been instrumental in guiding us through the escrow process, ensuring that everything proceeds smoothly.

We are in discussions with a few other partners and we look forward to sharing more exciting news.

Looking ahead

As we enter another month of due diligence, we are hopeful that this project will be a success. If everything goes as planned, the Arvia property will be jointly owned by LA Más and Self-Help Ventures Fund. This acquisition will mark a significant milestone in our mission to provide affordable and stable community housing in Northeast LA.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Please keep your fingers crossed for us as we work towards this important goal!

If you are or know a Northeast LA property owner interested in partnering with LA Más, please contact Helen at You can also learn more about the program here.

  • The next Northeast Los Angeles Community Housing Alliance (NELACHA) meeting is on Tuesday, September 24th, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at LA Más, 1159 Cypress Avenue, Los Angeles, 90065. To RSVP, please contact Melissa at

  • Not ready for a community meeting? Stop by one of our casual and fun events—details below!

Helen Campbell smiles in front of a Tournament of Roses Parade float that features vibrant colored flowers and a beaver.

Thank you, board alum Helen Campbell

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to Helen Campbell, who has been an invaluable member of the LA Más board for the past three years. Helen joined our board in early 2022 as part of a new leadership team and immediately set a clear direction for board development as our board chair.

This year, Helen renewed her term for another year, stepping into the role of vice-chair. Her extensive background in community development has been instrumental to our success. As a founder and former board chair of the Beverly Vermont Community Land Trust, Helen brought a wealth of expertise in housing options, which she generously shared with us. Currently, as Planning Director for Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez, Helen’s deep understanding of housing and planning policy has been critical in guiding our work for the communities we serve.

The Helens (Helen Campbell and Helen Leung) sit and smile on the back of a cream colored scooter.

Helen’s impact

Helen has played a pivotal role in helping LA Más transition and welcome our new board this year. Her leadership on our Community Housing Committee was essential in making our first community housing project a reality. Beyond this, Helen ensured that LA Más remained focused on sustainability as an organization and well-resourced for our community programs. She has supported us in strategically thinking about how to grow our team and make the best use of our time, all while keeping community priorities at the forefront.

Helen is the coolest…

Helen’s optimism, enthusiasm, and brilliance have been a constant source of inspiration for everyone at LA Más. She is always willing to share her social capital and deep knowledge of housing, and her contributions have left an indelible mark on our organization.

As Helen steps down from her board role, we celebrate the exciting news that she is welcoming a new baby into the world. We are thrilled to grow our community of LA Más babies—Helen’s will be the fifth baby born to our staff and board members in the past two years! 👶🏻👶🏼👶🏾👶🏻👶🏽

A heartfelt farewell

Helen, we are incredibly grateful for your dedication, leadership, and the lasting impact you’ve made on LA Más and NELA. We wish you all the best as you embark on this new chapter of your life, and we look forward to continuing our journey together in new ways. ¡Adelante!

"One of my favorite aspects of LA Más is their constant drive to evolve and grow as an organization, ensuring they remain genuine and deeply committed to serving the NELA community. It’s been such an honor to serve on the LA Más board these past few years, and I look forward to continuing to root for them and support in different ways!" - Helen Campbell

Come get lawn signs and postcards!

As we continue our work in community housing, we’ve listened closely to our promotores and residents. One message stood out: we need a simple and clear way to connect with property owners who share our mission. To find more projects like Arvia, we need to reach property owners who are ready to sell and are committed to keeping our neighbors rooted in Northeast LA by creating affordable housing for working-class families.

That’s why we launched the Nuestra NELA outreach campaign. We believe that the love people have for NELA and the strong sense of community here can help us expand our community housing movement.

Join the Movement: Lawn Signs and Postcards

Last week, we rolled out our Nuestra NELA lawn signs to spread the word. We have more available at our office, so stop by during our Wednesday community hours (4-7pm) to pick one up. Place them in your yard, on the sidewalk, or share them with your neighbors and local businesses. We also have postcards to help you spread the message even further.

Upcoming Events

🎨 9/11 | Screen Printing: Bring your own shirts, tote bags, or other items and get them screenprinted with Nuestra NELA graphics!

💬 9/25 | Financial Benefits Workshop: Learn from expert realtors about the financial benefits of selling property to non-profits like LA Más. This is a great opportunity for property owners interested in supporting affordable housing in our community.

We hope you’ll join us in spreading the word and helping to grow our community housing movement.

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