
Our work involves a combination of community-building, popular education, capacity-building, and cooperative development. By shifting mindsets and behaviors toward community care and by demonstrating alternative economic and housing models, we are building a hyperlocal version of the world we want to see – in real time, with community at the front and center. Through nurturing a culture of cooperation and solidarity, we also cultivate stability and self-determination for working class communities of color in Northeast LA.


Community Housing

Through a combination of popular education, policy advocacy, and technical & financial support, we help residents collectively purchase and steward housing together.


Community Economies

We build and sustain community-led networks of care through worker co-op development, non-monetary resource exchanges, and a local vendor ecosystem.


Community Tending

Through capacity building, popular education, and outdoor gatherings, we support residents to deepen connections with nature and each other and to take collective action.